It takes patience, expertise, money, and effort to detect and respond to a problem. Take a look at this article to get a feel for the different options available to your company. Implementing a managed detection and response service will be easier with this guidance. In addition to service-specific recommendations for endpoint, network, or log-based detection, you’ll also see guidance on how to respond to the issue.
100% protection is neither practical nor cost-effective in the dynamic environment of today. Threats must be swiftly identified and eliminated. Based on my personal experience after deploying 27+ SOCs, 18+ detection and response solutions, and handled 12+ Ransomware recovery scenarios, I’ve prepared 4 multiple-choice questions. By responding to these questions, I can quickly assess and instantly show you which detection and response service would be the best fit for your organization’s current needs.
Note: It is assumed that some form of public cloud is already in place in your environment.
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